Lunch in Greater Lansing

It’s lunchtime in Greater Lansing and you’re trying to figure out where to go. You may be trying to schedulea business lunch meeting, visiting the area, or just want to go with your friends, family or co-workers to grab a bite to eat. And then it starts. “Where do you want to go?” and then “What’s open for lunch?” If you’re looking for something locally owned, with lunchtime hours, why not try the following restaurants…

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Love Lansing's Artisan Beer, Wine and Spirits

You can find over 20 craft beer, artisan distilleries and boutique wineries included in Greater Lansing's Makers and Shakers Trail. Each producer takes their craft seriously and comes up with their own signature creations with creativity, passion and the desire to bring something unique and tasty to…

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Love Lansing Restauranteurs Share Their Insights and Top Menu Items

We know the #lovelansing community is eager to support local dining establishments. So we polled several of our GLCVB members and asked them to share some highlights about their restaurants. Get to know the faces and stories (behind the masks) that serve up delicious dishes in Greater Lansing. Unique in their own way, we encourage you to try them all…

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