10 Fall Favorite Patios in Greater Lansing

Love the crisp, cool air of the season?Like viewing the colorful leaf changes while sipping on some seasonal craft beverages and a big juicy burger outside? Well then grab your sweatshirt because we have some great patio choices for you here in the Lansing area…

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Love Lansing's Artisan Beer, Wine and Spirits

You can find over 20 craft beer, artisan distilleries and boutique wineries included in Greater Lansing's Makers and Shakers Trail. Each producer takes their craft seriously and comes up with their own signature creations with creativity, passion and the desire to bring something unique and tasty to…

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Lansing's Summer Sippin' Spots

After spending practically all of spring indoors, I'll take any excuse to be outside this summer. Despite my extra time to practice my own cooking and drink mixing skills, I crave having a professional cocktail from some of my favorite restaurants. Having a quiet, sunny space to sit while drinking is just an added bonus to the experience…

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