Shop Small, Shop Local

Let's shop local! It helps create jobs in the community, keeps money in mid-Michigan, supports small businesses that in turn, give back to the neighborhood and those businesses offer more unique products which keeps communities diverse. It makes everybody a winner! To help guide you on your shopping…

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A Gift They'll Remember

There are a lot of little things that can really make the difference between a mediocre event and something truly memorable. One of the small things I always make sure to do is have a little something to give to keynote speakers that take time out of his or her schedule to speak and present in Greater Lansing. Depending on your role in the industry, maybe you're not giving gifts to speakers but in the course of an event, there is usually someone you need to thank. Smart planners are also considerate and thoughtful people. Because of this, I'm often asked, "what are good gifts to give to speakers?" To this I usually reply, "I'm glad you asked!"…

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