Plan an End-of-Summer Michigan Staycation in Greater Lansing

Most people want to visit a place where there are fun things to do, great places to go for entertainment and delicious places to eat. When you finally have some free time, you want to know that you can find all kinds of activities, music, theater or recreation options nearby. It sure is nice to get out of town, make some memories and come home with a satisfied feeling that you’ve gotten your money’s worth and that the visit was more than you ever expected. So why not add another option for your next Michigan Staycation and take a short road trip to the heart of Michigan and the state capital - Lansing…

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Greater Lansing Safecation Travel Guide

Travel safely and confidently in Greater Lansing, Michigan. Along with our friendly Midwestern hospitality many of our region's hotels, restaurants and attractions have taken the Greater Lansing Safe Pledge to put the health and well being of our visitors at the forefront of all they do. We've…

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How to Be a Good Customer and Put Your Best Foot Forward During COVID-19

As businesses in Greater Lansing reopen, everyone is taking precautions against the spread of COVID-19. It can be a confusing time for consumers with so many new rules and protocols to follow. But having an idea of what to expect when you go out and support our local businesses is an important step towards helping keep you and their employees safe and healthy–and keeping our valued local businesses open…

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Hotels Offer Special Rates for First Responders and Medical Personnel

Lodging for First Responders & Medical Personnel Please see the link below for a list of Greater Lansing hotels offering special rates for first responders and medical personnel that may be impacted by the COVID-19 crisis. Please contact the hotels directly for more information and to book your stay. Please note that many of these rates are offered for a limited time and restrictions may apply…

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