At the heart of the value of a convention and visitor’s bureau is the numerous offerings from the convention services department. The sales portion of the agreement is wrapped up and now comes the part where the customers event takes the fore-front and the CVB services staff makes the customer glad they chose a given destination. What are these magical services you might ask? Here are a few of the ones that really make convention groups smile.
Pre-Promotion – Large conferences are booked years in advance so in the year preceding the event the CVB staff will go to the conference and promote the event and the community to inform and inspire attendees about the conference to come.
Key Connections – CVB staff will connect the event planner with current members of the CVB that will help the event be a success. This is everything from printers to caterers, to transportation, speakers, entertainment options and more.
Site-Inspections – CVB staff will attend site inspections with event planning staff to make sure that hotels and event space for sessions or off-site functions are exactly what the planner wants.
Good Ideas – A CVB services staff is more than happy to brainstorm ideas for off-site functions or unique ways to inspire attendees. After all, they are experts on the area who are just as focused on the success of the event as you are.
Welcome! – One of the most important things the CVB services department does is make a group feel welcome. Everything from welcome bags to signage to eBlasts and receptions the red carpet will be rolled out to greet you.
Smart People – The CVB will provide education ambassadors who know everything about the area, from parking to restaurants to entertainment options and more. The folks can be staffed at the headquarter hotel, overflow hotels and the conference facility itself. These individuals will not only be friendly but knowledgeable about event programming, shuttle times and the best place to go for karaoke.
We’ll be Ready – A dedicated CVB services department will have a detailed pre-conference meeting with the host hotel, event space and transportation provider to make sure everyone is on the same page and there aren’t any surprises on the day of the important event.
Where can I park? – Parking is always a topic of discussion when thousands of convention attendees come into a city. The CVB services department will discuss parking options with the planner and even coordinate special event overflow parking at businesses near event sites, if necessary.
Help! – The CVB services staff works as an extension of the event staff, so sometimes they are called in to do errands for the client while they’re in town. What kind of errands? Anything from delivering a truckload of conference hand-outs to bringing a salt bagel with scallion cream cheese and a large mint mocha to a stressed-out planner who is maybe starting to lose it. Those kinds of things. The kind of errands you’d ask a trusted employee, or maybe even a friend to do.
Did you learn something new here? Did you spot a service that you didn’t think a CVB would offer, let alone for free? Get in touch with Brandie Putnam or Mary Chris Hotchkiss with the Greater Lansing CVB today. They’re waiting to help make your next event in Greater Lansing your best event ever.