Mich.-- The Greater Lansing Convention and Visitors Bureau
(GLCVB) is pleased to announce that it has partnered with Brand USA to create
an in-language video for Chinese viewers considering a visit to the Greater
Lansing community.
The nearly three-minute video was shot the summer of 2014, using an on-camera
host speaking in his native language and sharing Greater Lansing visitor
information in his own cultural style. Shots were taken across the region
including the Michigan Historical Museum, Lansing City Market, the Lansing
River Trail, the Eli & Edythe Broad Art Museum and many more.
"We are a friendly, diverse Midwestern destination that offers both "All-American"
flair and international flavor," said Jack Schripsema, President and CEO of the
GLCVB. "We are also home to Michigan State University which provides the
backdrop for world cultures to converge. Over 8,000 international students are
currently enrolled at MSU - 6,000 of which are Chinese. We hope this video will
serve to place Greater Lansing in a positive and welcoming light."
The videos are part of an initiative by Brand USA, a public-private effort to encourage international travel to the United States. They were produced by Miles of Sarasota, FL in cooperation with Travel Michigan, and are being used for international market promotion in Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany and China. They will also be featured on Brand USA's official website.
The video may be viewed on the Bureau's website at (with English subtitles.) Or you can visit the Greater Lansing section of the Brand USA Chinese website at
For additional information on this video or the partnership with Brand USA contact Tracy Padot at or 517-377-1419.
The mission of the Greater Lansing Convention & Visitors Bureau is to positively impact the area's economy by marketing the region as a travel destination.