LANSING, Mich. – The Greater Lansing Convention and Visitors Bureau (GLCVB) held its annual meeting on February 21st, and announced both good news for the local economy and recognized numerous individuals with awards for vision, dedication and loyalty throughout the year.
The Greater Lansing region experienced a 4.8% increase in year-to-date area lodging occupancy, setting a record high for the region at 64%, according to Smith Travel Research (STR) data. Additionally, the Greater Lansing region experienced a 3.4% increase in Average Daily Rate (ADR), or average cost per available hotel room. In 2016 ADR was reported at $101.82 compared to $98.28 in 2015. These numbers from 2016 show the fourth consecutive year that both overall demand for regional hotel rooms, and the rate area lodging partners are able to charge for them, both went up. A prime indication of a healthy hospitality and tourism market.
“We’ve enjoyed a record-breaking year in the area,” said Jack Schripsema, President and CEO of the GLCVB. “For the first time in the history of the GLCVB, lodging partners in the region reported over one million hotel rooms consumed for the year. It’s a milestone to be shared and celebrated with the entire Greater Lansing hospitality community.”
The Greater Lansing CVB and Greater Lansing Sports Authority also formally recognized numerous partners with awards including: several Community Champions, two Milestone Awards, Sports Partner and Volunteer of the Year.
The Community Champions program was created to recognize local residents who advocate bringing convention and event business to the Greater Lansing area. Those recognized as Community Champions include: Dr. Huey-Wen Lin, Dr. Alexei Bazavov, Dr. Andrea Shindler, Dr. Shannon Schmoll, Dr. James Tiedje, Kathie Dunbar and the Lansing Derby Vixens.
The Great Lakes Ice Cream & Fast Food Association and the Michigan Assisted Living Association were recognized with Milestone Awards for 50 years of meeting in Greater Lansing. The Greater Lansing Sports Authority was proud to recognize NUWAY Wrestling as Partner of the Year and Nancy Simpson with the Lansing Skating Club as Volunteer of the Year.
For more information about the Greater Lansing Community Champions program, visit or call 517-487-0077. For more information about the Greater Lansing Sports Authority, visit
The mission of the Greater Lansing Convention & Visitors Bureau is to positively impact the area’s economy by marketing the region as a travel destination.
Huey-Wen Lin, Ph.D., Alexei Bazavov, Ph.D., Andrea Shindler, Ph.D.
International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory
The 36th Annual International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory will be held at the Kellogg Center in July, 2018 and will bring over 500 people from around the globe to our community. The Annual Lattice Conference is the premier conference for lattice gauge theory. The latest developments and results in lattice gauge theory are reported in this conference, and attendees get to know the state-of-the-art of lattice calculations around the world. Thanks to the members of MSU’s Department of Physics and Astronomy Huey-Wen Lin, Ph.D; Alexei Bazavov, Ph.D. and Andrea Shindler, Ph.D. for hosting this prestigious event in our region.
Shannon Schmoll, Ph.D.
Great Lakes Planetarium Association
The very first meeting of the Great Lakes Planetarium Association took place in East Lansing in 1964 and we’re honored they have selected East Lansing for their conference in October, 2018. Dr. Shannon Schmoll, the Director of MSU’s Abrams Planetarium, will host 200 of her colleagues at the Henry Center and showcase MSU’s newly enhanced planetarium. The Great Lakes Planetarium Association is a professional organization dedicated to supporting astronomy or space science education through planetaria.
James Tiedje, Ph.D.
International Symposium on the Environmental Dimension of Antibiotic Resistance
The threat of antibiotic resistant pathogens has long been recognized by scientists but only recently has the threat of multidrug resistant strains become broadly recognized to motivate action by leaders in governments as well as by the public. The Environmental Dimension of Antibiotic Resistance (EDAR) Symposium has been held on three previous occasions in Canada, China and Germany, bringing international researchers together to collaborate and share findings. In August, 2017, East Lansing and MSU’s Department of Microbiology and Molecular Genetics will welcome 250 global researchers to discuss the most recent research and the implications for human health. Thank you to Dr. James Tiedje, the Director of MSU’s Center for Microbial Ecology for hosting and chairing EDAR4 here this summer.
Kathie Dunbar
Hawk Island Triathlon
Kathie Dunbar is the originator and lead organizer of the Hawk-I-Triathlon. In 2016 the event celebrated its 10th anniversary. This unique sprint triathlon was the first of its kind in Michigan and was the first race of any kind in Michigan to be certified “Green”. Over the past 10 years, the event has seen more than 5,500 athletes participate. Athletes have traveled from across the country and internationally to compete. Kathie, through her efforts, has generated incredible exposure and awareness for the community and generated significant economic impact in the region.
Lansing Derby Vixens
Lansing is home to a diverse array of sporting events. But were you aware that Lansing was the center of the roller derby world in August of 2016? That’s when the Lansing Derby Vixens served as host for the Women’s Flat Track Derby Association D2 International Playoffs. This event brought 10 teams and hundreds of athletes from across the globe to the Summit Sports and Ice Complex. Teams from as far away as Norway spent as much as a week in the region. These teams not only left with an affinity for the Lansing region, but also left behind significant dollars that impacted our local economy.
Sport Partner of the Year - National United Wrestling Association for Youth
The National United Wrestling Association for Youth or NUWAY, is being recognized as the GLSA’s Sport Partner of the Year. NUWAY had an incredible impact on the community in 2016. In July NUWAY hosted over 2,000 wrestlers, from 22 states at the Lansing Center. This event, called the Grand River Rumble, was the first wrestling event ever held at the Lansing Center, with wrestling mats covering all three exhibit halls. The success of this event led the group to program an additional event at the Lansing Center in December. The Spartan Country Open and Christmas Duals brought 500 wrestlers to the community during a traditionally slow period. While 2016 has been an incredible year for NUWAY in Lansing, the future is even brighter with additional events being planned.
Volunteer of the Year - Nancy Simpson
Volunteers are the lifeblood of any good event and Nancy Simpson is a shining example. Nancy has been an instrumental partner in Lansing becoming a mecca for youth skating championship events. Nancy gives selflessly of her time, dedicating hundreds of hours to supporting the Lansing Skating Club youth and coordinating events. In 2016 she served as co-chair for the Eastern Great Lakes Figure Skating Championships. This event saw 600 skaters take the ice at Suburban Ice East Lansing. This week-long event was no easy task, but Nancy handled it like a seasoned pro…with a 6 month planning process, followed by grueling long, busy days during the event. A “volunteer” commitment basically turned in to a full-time job. With no complaints, Nancy tackled every task with passion, pleasantness and a fervor that she has become well known for. Our community would not experience the wonderful events we do without many dedicated volunteers like Nancy.