A Group Show By: Lindsay Yeatts, Emily Pelton, John Azoni
June 28 - August 27, 2011
Community Reception
July 8, 7 to 9 PM
CHOMP! CHOMP! features the works of three Detroit artists, who present different approaches to painting the subject matter of food. The group states, "Food is something everyone can identify with. Food engages our lusts as we indulge in, or attempt to resist rich chocolate cakes, and glazed pastries, big salty hamburgers, and french fries straight out of the deep our American culture, food often reflects a way of life that focuses on bigger, cheaper, faster, and more and more." Citing emotions associated with food, such as joy, nostalgia, and anxiety, the artists explore food's role in our lives and importance in our culture.
Lansing Art Gallery is a non-profit arts organization serving the greater Lansing and statewide communities of Michigan artists. The Gallery is located in downtown Lansing and features Michigan artists in changing exhibitions, education and a Gallery Shop with a lease/purchase program. Lansing Art Gallery's programs are funded in part by the City of Lansing, Michigan Council for Arts and Cultural Affairs, National Endowment for the Arts and the membership of Lansing Art Gallery. Employment programs, activities, and services of Lansing Art Gallery are provided for equally and without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, age, sex or handicap.
For additional information contact Lansing Art Gallery at (517) 374-6400.